‘No limit’ for aged care home restraints, aged care royal commission hears By SBS News, 8 May 2019 A doctor who assessed a resident at an aged care facility in Sydney’s west has told an inquiry there was no time limit on the use of physical restraints. A 72-year-old...
Nurses who were supposed to be caring for a troubled teenage girl, 18, when she took her own life at a hospital are found guilty of ‘unsatisfactory conduct’ By Zoe Zaczek, Daily Mail, 24 April 2019 Two nurses have lost their registrations after an 18-year-old girl...
The Challenge of Going Off Psychiatric Drugs By Rachel Aviv, www.newyorker.com, 1 April 2019 Laura Delano recognized that she was “excellent at everything, but it didn’t mean anything,” her doctor wrote. She grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, one of the wealthiest...
1 in 8 (over 3 million) Australians are on antidepressants – Why is the Lucky Country so miserable? Dr Martin Whitely, psychwatchaustralia.com, 23 Apr 2019 According to the OECD, in both 2000 and 2015, Australians were the second largest (per-capita) users of...
VICTORIAN ROYAL COMMISSION ON MENTAL HEALTHTAKE ACTION TO STOP PSYCHIATRIC ABUSE TAKE ACTION TO STOP PSYCHIATRIC ABUSEThe Royal Commission has been given the task to inquire into and report on how Victoria’s mental health system can be improved. So far we have seen...