CCHR Victoria – Downloads

Other Downloads Recommended By CCHR

CCHR’s Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights
CCHR Document: All great organizations set forth codes by which they align their purposes and activities. The Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights articulates the guiding principles of CCHR and the standards against which human rights violations by psychiatry are relentlessly investigated and exposed.

Brain Damaging Effects of Electroshock: The Facts
Electroshock (ECT) is the application of up to hundreds of volts of electricity sent searing through the brain to induce a grand mal seizure. Psychologist Dr. John Breeding says, “It is prima-facie common sense obvious that ECT causes brain damage. After all the rest of medicine, as well as the building trades, do their best to prevent people from being hurt or killed by electrical shock. People with epilepsy are given anticonvulsant drugs to prevent seizures because they are known to cause brain damage.” Download the  PDF

Psychiatric Drugs and Violence
CCHR Document: A report entitled, ‘Psychiatric Drugs and Violence’, has been released by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights Australian subsidiary (CCHR).

Government warnings fact sheet PDF
These are the warnings the TGA has issued since 1995 regarding psychotropic drugs

CCHR Document: A report entitled, ‘Psychiatric Drugs and Violence’, has been released by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights Australian subsidiary (CCHR).
“The report was written as Australians are not adequately warned that psychiatric drugs can cause homicidal ideation, aggression and suicide. In determining policy to address problems of school, community and domestic violence, the role of prescribed psychotropic (mind altering) drugs must be taken into account.” – excerpt from website.

Psychiatric Drugs and Your Child’s Future
CCHR Document: CCHR International provides all parents with this descriptive perspective when faced with the decision whether to medicate a child or not.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and ‘to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.'” – as quoted from UNITED NATION’S website.

Victorian Mental Health Act 2022
The current (Victorian) state law on Mental Health.

Concerns about the Victorian Mental Health Act 2022
These are the serious issues CCHR has with the Mental Health Act 2022

Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Victorian law that sets out the basic rights, freedoms and responsibilities of all people in Victoria. It is about the relationship between government and the people it serves.

Other Resources

Alternatives to Psychiatric Drugs for Children The Facts

What you can do

Alternatives to Psychotropic Drugs

Alternatives to Psychiatric Drugs for Children The Facts