Withdrawal Effects of Psychiatric Drugs

Withdrawal Effects of Psychiatric Drugs Many people who have taken psychiatric drugs have found that the withdrawal effects of these drugs can persist for months, even years after they stop taking them. Patients are frequently not warned about this, and are often told...

READERS’ LETTERS: ADHD drugs regime is not helping children

READERS’ LETTERS: ADHD drugs regime is not helping children thecourier.co.uk, 24 June 2019 Madam, – When psychiatrists speak or write on the subject of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), there’s an assumption that he or she is an expert on the subject...

Letters from Generation Rx

Letters from Generation Rx By IMDb News, 18 July 2017   This powerful film explores the science behind antidepressants, their effects on the brain and the horrific experiences endured by patients and their loved ones.   Director: Kevin P. Miller...